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Index to Stories about the Heritage Valley 

4th of July in Fillmore


1914 Fillmore is Incorporated


1946 Fillmore Frontier Festival


1946 - What About Postwar Fillmore?


1949 Fillmore Snow


A. L. Lamberg, A Horologist in Our Midst


The Aguirre Family of the Santa Clara Valley by Mark Aguirre


Arrival of the Southern Pacific Railroad in the Santa Clara River Valley


Artists' Barn


Bardsdale – Promise and Change in the Santa Clara River Valley


Bridging the Gap


Business Begins on Central Avenue


Candalaria, Last Chumash Basket Maker


The Cardona Family Story


Church Beginnings - The Methodists


Clara Smith's Sespe School, 1886- 1887


Clarence Arrasmith - City Manager


Coming of the Railroad


Crate Labels


Crime and Punishment, Part One - from "Old Timers' Tales" by Edith Moore Jarrett


Crime and Punishment, Part Two - From "Old Timers' Tales" by Edith Moore Jarrett


The Dam with the Feet of Clay, By William F. French


Did You Know?


The Doctor’s Youngest Daughter, A Memoir


Don Carlos Antonio de Jesus Carrillo and Rancho Sespe


Early Apricot Cultivation


Early Law in Fillmore


Early Life in Fillmore as Recalled by One of its Earliest Residents


Elkins' Olive Oil Factory


Fergus "Ted" Fairbanks


FHM Parlor Sessions 001 Kevin Shaffer - Amazing Grace_ Video


Fillmore Anecdotes - Excerpted from “An Anecdotal History of Fillmore, California” by Ken Fine


Fillmore Anecdotes - Excerpted from "An Anecdotal History of Fillmore, California" by Ken Fine, Part 2


Fillmore's Blacksmiths


The Fillmore Cannon


Fillmore Churches


Fillmore Citrus Association Bass Drum on Display in the Smithsonian Museum


Fillmore Citrus Packinghouses


The Fillmore "F"


Fillmore Festival

       Video Only


The Fillmore Flower Show


Fillmore Stables


Fillmore Unified High School


Fillmore's First Bank


Fillmore's First Schools


Fillmore's Library


Fillmore's Monorail


Fillmore under Quarantine – 1918


Fire, Fire, All Around, 1970


Frank Erskine


From Barnes to Towne, the Story of Fillmore's Theater


A Glimpse into the Life of Harriet E. Weaver


The Great Outdoors, Fillmore Style


Hardison Sanitary Dairy


Hattie King, Activist


Hattie King's History of Bardsdale


Heck Smith, a Local Hero (a Memorial Day Tribute)


Dr. Ira Hinckley


Dr. John Powell Hinckley


Lawrence Hinckley


Historic Fillmore Locations You May Not have Noticed


The History of the Bardsdale School


The History of the Fillmore Post Office, by Ellen Finley, 1988


History of Stephens' Store


A Home and a Reminder, The Story of the Inadomis


Honey of a Job


Hoppers of Hopper Canyon


Horseless Carriages Come to Ventura County


The Houses that Jack Built


How Did They Get Here?


Hugh Warring of Buckhorn


The Hydrosulphosol Story 


In Search of Stone - George Henley


Interesting Things in the Collection


It's Raining, It's Pouring


Jack Casner, Lawman, Cattleman


Joe Dye and Sespe Oil


Joel K L Schwartz


John Galvin, City Attorney


Let's Go Shopping!


Looking Back at 1971


March 2022, Looking Back 50 and 100 Years


The Masonic Building, Gone But Not Forgotten


Mathew Atmore, How He Got Here


The Mobile Homes of Fillmore


The Monorail Comes to Fillmore - Almost


The Morey Family


A Museum Begins


Myrtle Catherine Tallman


Mystery of the Motorcycle Race


No Girls Allowed!!


Obituaries Can Be Fun


Olive Oil Manufacture per Charlie Brown


On Location


Owen Miller: Trees and Chickens


The Packing House Bunion Derby


Painter James


         Unidentified WWII Fillmore Veterans


Parker Hubert, DDS


Penny Postcards


Pepper Tree Days in Fillmore


Piru, An Incomplete Early History


Piru Canyon & Lake Piru Today


Rancho Sespe, 155 years (Video)


Rancho Sespe Bunkhouses


Remembering Fillmore's Past: Dewey's Garden Center


The Road Well Traveled


Ruth French, by Susan M. J. French


St. Francis Dam Disaster


Shake, Rattle, and Roll


Shave and a Haircut


Sespe Land and Water Company


Sespe, the Town That Wasn't


Sounds of the Museum


The Story of a Pioneer Family - Stone Family


The Story of a Storekeeper - C. W. Harthorn


Ted Fairbanks' History of Bardsdale


That's Entertainment


Those Magnificent Men (and Women) In Their Flying Machines




Toolie Palmer's Bark Art


Trinity Episcopal’s Journey to Fillmore


Veterans' Return Changes Theater's Policy


What They Ate


What's in a Name?


What's Your Favorite Fillmore Christmas Memory?


What Piru Has.... 1930


Who Was Edith Moore Jarrett?



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